Articles • Interviews • Speeches

Maybe We Deserve to Die

Maybe We Deserve to Die

Julie Ponesse reviews Michael Bonner’s In Defence of Civilization. “What are we? Humans? Or animals? Or savages?” So questions The Lord of the Flies’ “Piggy,” the philosopher, the one who keeps the signal fire going, the one who remains, even to...

Do You Matter?

Do You Matter?

“I am Kelly-Sue Oberle. I live at [address]. I belong to someone, and I matter.” These are the words on the slip of paper that Kelly-Sue Oberle places under her pillow every night. The note isn’t an affirmation. It isn’t a self-help exercise. It is...

Why Is Our Education System Failing to Educate?

Why Is Our Education System Failing to Educate?

Speech given at the Refound Education event, Toronto, Canada, January 2023 Isuspect many of you know my story. But, for those who don’t, the short version is that I taught philosophy — ethics and ancient philosophy, in particular — at Western...

If We Only Knew

If We Only Knew

A speech delivered to the 2020 REBEL Live conference in Calgary, Alberta on November 26, 2022. Last September, I released a video in which I explained my moral objection to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate being implemented by my employer, Western...

What If the Truth Never Comes Out?

What If the Truth Never Comes Out?

This is the question that seems to be on the minds of many these days. The attempt to reach “zero-COVID” was a colossal failure. Original claims of mRNA vaccine efficacy have reportedly been shown to be based on falsified data. Excess mortality is...

The Real Reason Vaccine Mandates are Wrong

The Real Reason Vaccine Mandates are Wrong

The sinking ship of the mandate enthusiasts took on more water last month with the publication of a powerhouse paper by some of the world’s top bioethicists (from Oxford, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, and Toronto). Drawing on Centers for Disease Control...

Are We Falling as Rome Did?

Are We Falling as Rome Did?

The clock seems to be ticking. Growing disparities in wealth, a housing and gas crisis, transhumanism galloping over the horizon, heroized incivility, and the constant threat of viruses, the “cures” for which may be worse than the diseases. Global...

Coercion on Campus Stops When Students Say No

Coercion on Campus Stops When Students Say No

Dear Canada’s university students, Over the last year, our country’s universities have dismissed your concerns and refused to answer your questions. They made you unconfident in your beliefs, afraid to ask questions, and reticent to speak out. They...

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